Car Won't Start? Here Are Some Possible Causes

Having a car that won't start can be a real pain, and there are many potential reasons why this may happen. If you know where to look, you can find the cause of the problem and make the necessary repairs.

Use this troubleshooting guide to investigate some likely causes of starting trouble.

Low Battery Power

If you are experiencing car starting issues, start the troubleshooting process by checking the battery. Your battery provides the electricity required to initiate the car starting process, so it's recommended that you check if it's in good working condition before looking elsewhere.

A dying battery or a loose or corroded battery connection cannot supply enough power to start your vehicle. If your battery is failing, replace it. If the battery connection is loose, tighten it with a wrench. If you see an excessive buildup of corrosion on the battery terminals, brush it off with a hard-bristle brush and secure the battery connections.

Low Fuel Level

If your car cranks but won't start, you might not have enough fuel in the vehicle. If this is true, the low fuel level warning light on the vehicle's dashboard will come on immediately after you turn a key in the ignition.

To fix the issue, you simply need to fuel your car.

Faulty Alternator

If your car starts but stalls on the road, the odds are that the battery is not being recharged. Although this can happen due to loose or disconnected battery connections, a faulty alternator could also be to blame for the issue.

The alternator is responsible for recharging your battery as you drive. If it fails, your car will run out of the electrical power it needs to keep running.

Bad Starter

Your car's starter receives battery power to get the engine rotating. If you hear a clicking noise when starting your car and the engine does not crank at all, you probably have a bad starter motor or starter solenoid.

Failing Ignition System

Your gasoline vehicle's ignition system consists of various components, including the ignition switch, spark plugs, and ignition coils. These components work together to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the internal combustion chamber. 

If your auto ignition system is failing, you may experience starting trouble.

Car starting trouble can be difficult to diagnose and fix unless you have enough expertise and experience working as a car mechanic. Contact a local auto repair service for assistance with starting issues you can't remedy yourself.
